Friday, June 05, 2009


Yesterday was the greatest early birthday celebration ever!!!

Janelle's been planning this surprise trip for what seems like forever. She would send me "clues"...most of which were false just to throw me off! I can't believe I never figured this one out!!! She sent me a massive packing list of things I would need for our day together: winter boots, umbrella, change of clothes, stick, a large rock, fun hat, miss-matched pair of shoes, & so much more. How much of that stuff was actually needed? None of it! Ok...I did wear the hat!

The day (yesterday, June 4)...

She picked me up at the church around noon & we headed to the park for lunch. Lunch was topped off with strawberry smoothies & a peanut butter chocolate bar from Main Street Coffee House! Already...the day was amazing!

Then, we were off to our next destination, which she warned me would be a longer trip. Keep in mind...I still had no idea where she was taking me! Surprisingly, our next stop was Bourbon, though I don't think that was in the original plan. We had been joking around about getting a souvenir from the amazing town that is Bourbon! So, we stopped at Stubs (Hardware Store) and bought a 50 cent screw (which we found out from the guy at the cash register that it was actually a bolt)! After our detour in Bourbon, we were back on the road again, heading South...with me still clueless as to what was next. Well, next thing I know, we're pulling off into Mexico! To complete the adventure, Janelle had me get out of the van, put on a Colts poncho, and stand by the Mexico sign. Of course, when she pulled over to the side of the road, there was a massive ditch on my side so I was left hugging the van while trying to get onto the road. It looked hilarious!

After Mexico, we were back on the road. Next stop, the penitentiary to potentially meet my future husband...or so I was told! Yep...Janelle totally knows my type!

Okay, so we didn't really stop at the penitentiary...obviously...I would've never gotten out of the van anyway! All I could figure was that we were going to Indy because that's what all the signs were saying. You may be thinking, "Kristy, are you stupid? How could you not know for sure?!" You should know that Janelle has been consistently lying to me for the past few weeks, so I couldn't take ANYTHING she said as true!

We got down to Indy and began turning down roads leading to the Indianapolis Children's Museum. So...I believed her! I'd never been there & didn't even know one existed in Indy...but wouldn't you know...she was lying again! Big surprise!
( should not be proud of the way you've corrupted your wife)!

She then told me we were going to a Colts game & though I didn't believe took me a while to figure out why...yeah...the Colts season has been over for a while! Then we were going to see the Pacers game...but yeah...the Pacers aren't even playing anymore! She was having way too much fun lying! Finally, she pulled into a parking spot & seemed very anxious. She pulled out a card, gave it to me, & that's when I finally discovered what was going on...she got us tickets to "WICKED"!!!!!

You need to understand that I've been wanting to see it so badly!!! I was supposed to go see it in Chicago back in December. I had my ticket for December 23rd, had some girls I was going with, had everything planned out...except for one thing! The morning we were going to leave I came down with a strep & pneumonia combo! So my friends went to WICKED and I went to the doctor! Blast!!!

So yesterday was just all around INCREDIBLE!!! The show was incredible! The music was incredible! The acting was incredible & hilarious! The sets & costumes were incredible! This is definitely one show I could go back & see again and again! Phenomenal! And...the BEST part of the entire day was that I got to spend it hanging out with one of my best friends!

I can't believe she pulled off the surprise!
I can't believe the surprise was a ticket to WICKED!
I can't believe how much fun the day was!
I can't believe how blessed I am to have an INCREDIBLE friend like Janelle in my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AH! i'm so glad you finally got to see it! :D :D :D sounds like an amazing day. i'm happy for you!