Wednesday, June 03, 2009

31 Things I've Learned from Janelle...

Today marks Janelle's 31st birthday! You should definitely go wish her a "Happy Birthday" here. In honor of today, I thought I'd share with you 31 things I've learned from Janelle in the time I've known her. (These are in no particular order.)

1. Things aren't always what they seem. Now, before you think there's some profound meaning behind this, let me explain why she's taught me this. Janelle was my first small group leader when I came to NMC as a sophomore in high school. One of my first & clearest memories with her is going out to "witness" one night during our small group time. We headed to East Race in South Bend & not even 10 minutes into the night, we found ourselves "witnessing" something very different. Tucked away back in the grass was a clear ziplock bag containing what we had decided as a group looked like weed. Immediately, we thought someone was probably going to be stopping by to pick it up. So like any good small group of girls out to witness, we guarded it like hawks, standing around it in a circle as we watched people pass by & pointed out how suspicious they looked. Janelle, our fearless leader, called the cops & tried to play it cool...though she was freaking out inside. Well, the cops showed up & proceeded to explain to us that it was merely a bag of catnip!

2. How to be a LOST addict. Janelle first introduced me to the ABC show "LOST". It's a creative masterpiece...even amidst all the recent twists & turns, J.J. Abrams & Damon Lindelof are two very creative guys.

3. Clowns are ridiculously scary. Okay, so I already knew that but Janelle only confirmed it all the more by sending me pictures or leaving them hanging in my office of hideous looking, psycho clowns. Thanks you too!

4. The true meaning of the word "hey" - You may be thinking that it means "hello" or "what's up?" But thanks to Janelle...I now know the true meaning.

5. Think outside the box! Really...I've learned this from several people, but Janelle's has definitely been one of the greatest influences on my life when it comes to this. She's so stinkin' creative! And seeing her creativity challenges me to practice it.

6. A little note goes a long way. Janelle was my small group leader back when I was a sophomore & junior of high school. One thing she often did for me was write me a long note of encouragement. I have these notes saved at home. Since my time in her small group, the collection has grown. It's amazing how powerful our words are...Janelle has always been an incredible source of encouragement for me!

7. How to be an encourager. Because of the time Janelle spent encouraging me with notes, gifts, or whatever...I learned the importance of doing that for others.

8. The difference between a sidewalk and the road! Kathleen Gessinger was also a witness to this one, as she & I were both in the van with Janelle when this happened. We were on our way to a wedding reception at the Cove in South Bend & were driving down unfamiliar roads. In Janelle's defense there was a dip in the sidewalk that made it look slightly road-like. However, as she begin to pull up onto it & we noticed all the people walking there...we were quickly able to determine that it was not a road!

9. Always give your best effort. Working with Janelle in the Student Ministries Office, she always gave 100% to what she did. Not because she was obsessed with perfection...but because she recognized the importance of Colossians 3:23.

10. What not to do when you're falling down stairs! The answer: You shouldn't grab the person's butt who happens to be in front of you in an effort to regain balance!

11. Main Street's chicken quesidillas are the best! Even better when topped off with a chocolate peanut butter bar. mouth is watering! Janelle & I would go to Main Street every once in a while for lunch. Always, we were torn between the chicken quesidilla or the white chicken chili. We never questioned whether or not we were in the mood for a chocolate peanut butter bar!

12. Keys to being a great small group leader. Of course I've learned a lot from Janelle on this...she was, afterall, my first small group leader!

13. The importance of investing in others. When I look at Janelle's life, it is marked by tons of students, adults, & kids who've been impacted by her. She probably doesn't even realize the full extent of her impact. So many names & faces come to mind of people in which she's invested so much time, love, & encouragement. She recognizes the importance of sharing what she's got...she invests it in others who then invest it in others who then invest it in others...and, well, you get the idea!

14. I am uniquely me...created by God with purpose. Janelle has taught this class called "Uniquely You" for years. I don't really remember ever officially taking that class with her, but her lifestyle models what she teaches.

15. Just be who you are. This one goes hand in hand with number 14. Janelle has taught me to be comfortable in my own skin. This life is not about living up to the expectations of others and it's not about doing the exact same thing we see others doing. I am who I am!

16. Perfection is overrated.

17. Some of the best things in life are worth waiting for - even when the wait is hard. Janelle & I have walked through a lot of waiting together...yet in the midst of waiting...her trust in God's faithfulness was unwavered.

18. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." This is Janelle's life verse & one that she lives out well. In all the time I've known her, she always reminds me to claim to this promise.

19. It's not just a job, it's a lifestyle. Again, working alongside Janelle at the church, she's always modeled this to me. What she does is not just a job to her, it's a's doing whatever she can to serve & love others.

20. "The best kind of prize is a surprise!" Okay, so Johnny Depp may have said it first in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but Janelle had definitely taught me this long before the movie came out! She loves surprises! And that's an understatement! Usually, she gets so excited about them that she's not very good at keeping least around me. However, I've been impressed at how well she's done lately. I never really thought surprises were a huge deal to me, until I met Janelle! Now...I LOVE them!

21. Elf is the most quoteable Christmas movie & the only one that can be watched anytime of the year! Just watch the movie & you'll understand!

22. Gifts are fun! She loves getting them, I love giving's a great relationship!

23. How to talk to strangers. Janelle hates talking to strangers. I don't really like it either...but whenever I'm with her, I always have to be the one to do it! So...because of her...I've learned how to suck it up & do it!

24. Dyslexia makes life NUF! I still remember the day she called me laughing uncontrollably because of a sign she saw on a trip to Florida. She proceeded to tell me the sign said "Prosecutors will be violated." Take a moment to let that one sink in...turns out what the sign really said was "Violators will be prosecuted." Close enough!

25. A whole new vocabulary. Over the years I've kept a list of what I like to call "Janellisms." She often makes up words or phrases that have changed my life! One of my favorites... “Suckumentary” – Janelle was trying to come up with the name Mockumentary (you know, those movies that are recorded as documentaries except they’re fictional?). Well, she couldn’t come up with the name…obviously!

26. If you're excited, they're excited! Janelle is great at creating excitement. Especially working with students...if you get excited about it, you can get them excited about it!

27. Delegate! I have a hard time saying "No." It's just the people pleaser within me. I know...that's a poor excuse! Watching Janelle work in ministry over the years, she's taught me the importance of bringing others alongside you. It's a win for you & for them!

28. Never trust her with a wheel chair! Two stories come to mind...
The first happened about 3 years ago when I had broken my foot. She was kind enough to get me the church wheel chair to use & then proceeded to send me down the sanctuary ramp backwards with no way to stop! The second...our poor tortured student intern. Full story here!

29. Never underestimate your own strength! While on the IMPACT Retreat for the Dominican Republic team we lead in 2006, Janelle & I were partnered up to walk across these two flimsy ropes (on the low ropes course) using only each other as support. Once we reached the end of the ropes, we had to reach out to our team members who were then going to help us onto a small wooden block. Mark Lantz was reaching out to help Janelle & what happened next is a bit fuzzy. But I definitely remember seeing all 6'5" or whatever he is of Mark flying across the course & over the ropes Janelle & I had just walked on. In her attempt to make it to the wooden block, she managed to pull Mark off with enough force to send him flying!

30. How to be an incredible wife & mom. Clearly, I'm not either one of those things, but I've learned so much just by watching Janelle...and she's incredible at both!

31. Laughter is the best medicine! Obviously, we've had a lot of laughs together! Whether it's watching an older woman fall into a trashcan at Taco Bell, witnessing Derry fall flat on his back on the low ropes course in one swift & unexpected move, crazy office stories involving Jeremiah Lauber & the phrase "what is that?!", and so many other memories...we always have a great time!

Janelle, the list could probably go on & on but one thing is for sure...I'm so incredibly thankful for you! You've made a bigger impact on my life than you will likely ever realize! Happy 31st Birthday! I LOVE YOU!!!

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