Friday, June 12, 2009

It's Go Time!

In about 9 hours, I'm heading out with 21 high school students and 5 other leaders to Philadelphia, PA, for our Student Ministries PhillyGO trip.

PhillyGO is an evangelism training experience. What does that mean? This is an opportunity to pull students out of the comfort zone while making an IMPACT on the city of Philly. We'll spend the afternoons out on the streets just making conversation with others, hearing their story, sharing our story, and the ultimate hope is bringing God glory!

We'll have the opportunity to work neighborhood kids, put on a cookout for the homeless, serve in a soup kitchen, & just love on people! I'm pumped about the opportunity to be a part of the greater story & just show God's love to those who've maybe never experienced it!

To stay up-to-date on what's happening in Philly, follow along here.

Here's what you can pray for:
  • Healthy Christ-focused relationships among the team
  • Energy for the long days of ministry
  • Eyes to see people with the compassion of Christ
  • Wisdom & courage to initiate conversations
  • Divine appointments
  • Lasting lessons & actions steps for students to bring home
  • The (long) stretch of road from Philly to Nappanee, that our time on it would be filled with students wrestling through how to bring this trip home & put into action here what we learn there!
I'm confident God's gonna move! I'm confident He's going to show up in ways that are beyond our expectations! I'm confident that I will be stretched, challenged, & greatly encouraged!

1 comment:

Kate Berkey said...

Oh Goshen!!!!!!

love yah
my hand is still shaking. i got the philly chills and i'm not in philly. what are the odds.