Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Things I Praying For...

1. Tricia Mikel - For those of you who may not know, that's my older sister. At 5:45 this morning, she headed off to Arizona. She is driving out with a friend of her's & will be staying with a former college roomie while there. The point of the trip? She's job searching! And I'm praying that she finds something that will be the perfect fit for her! She has a couple of interviews set up already in a few school districts, the first one being this Friday. She's planning on being out there for at least a month & depending on how things go...she may be moving out there before summer is over!

2. PhillyGO- On June 12-19, I'll be heading out with a team of 21 students & 5 other leaders to Philadelphia, PA. Why? To be stretched, challenged, & moved by God all while serving the people in Philly. This trip is an intense missions training experience that challenges students to take steps out of their comfort zone & see what God does in the process! I'm excited for all that's in store for us as we take part in stuff like: a community cookout, going out on the streets & talking with people, coffee house ministry to the homeless, & possibly serving at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. I'm confident it will be a stretching experience and one that will open our eyes even wider to the BIG God we serve.

Here's who you can be praying for. Leaders: Chris Lehane, Peggy Bearss, Geoff Cocanower, Jeff Simpson, Leslie Yoder, & myself. Students: Ashley Avery, Katherine Berkey, Kaylyn Bussard, Steven Duffy, Becca Eby, Samantha Harkrider, MaKensey Koontz, Ashley Korsmo, Tyler Kronk, Kylee Lamason, Ryan Lincoln, Adam Metzler, Ryan Middleton, Kim Minnich, Jesse Morganthaler, Adam Reed, Mallory Rondeau, Ashley Slone, Brandon Snodgrass, Galen White, & Jeremy Wilmot.

3. IMPACT- Another student ministry team will be heading out June 22-July 2, to the Dominican Republic for a mission trip. The team will be spending time going out on the streets & sharing with people, leading VBS, sharing Christ through dramas, doing sports ministry, & more! Again, students will have an opportunity to be stretched, challenged, and moved by God! This is a great team & I'm excited for all that God is going to do both in & through them.

Here's who you can be praying for. Leaders: Kory Lantz, Alison Gingrich, Mark & Cindi Lantz, & Kathy Brown. Students: Carter Ammerman, Alyssa Brown, Cody Cline, Becca Courtney, Kathleen Gessinger, Ben Grove, Claire Hoover, Austin Hostetter, Kayla Koontz, Sydney Koontz, Kaity McFarland, Kristen Minnich, Brant Nine, Ashlee Ort, Kristen Schwenger, Rachel Ward, Brandon Williams, Amanda Yoder, & Amy Yoder.

4. Rwanda Exodus Conference- It's been a little off the radar lately, but the Rwanda Exodus trip lead by Caleb Bislow (Biz) is quickly approaching! Back in February, 5th-12th grade students here at NMC put on Rwanda Night to raise awareness, prayer support, & financial support to see this conference happen. Their efforts raised about $19,500! Now as we head into June, the trip is drawing near.

"The Exodus Conference will be pulling together Rwandan Evangelists and Church Planters, equipping them to go into unreached and/or hostile regions, and sending them out to start a disciple making movement. The hope and prayer is to bring life to a land that's recent history has been marked with death."

Here's who you can be praying for: Caleb Bislow (team leader), Dustin Eby (NMC graduate, & current sophomore at Moody), Joseph (Biz's lead translator), the pastors & church leaders of Rwanda who will be a part of the conference, those at "the ends of the earth"...scattered throughout Rwanda who need to hear about the unconditional love & saving grace of the Creator God.

Great stuff is happening! God is on the move & I'm excited to join with Him by covering His people in prayer!

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