Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Countdown...8 Days

What's happening in 8 days?

I don't know...but I'm super pumped about it! Seriously...I really don't know what's happening in 8 days (Thurs, June 4...for those struggling with math). At least, not completely.

Here's what I do know...

1. I'm leaving at noon.
2. I'm going in a mini van.
3. It's some sort of road trip...I was sent a picture of a map as a clue.
4. There may be salty stix pretzels (seriously...this was one of my clues)!
5. I'm going with Janelle on this little surprise! there anything else I need to know?! I mean, mini van, pretzels, & Janelle! Hello?! Of course it's going to be an incredible day!!!

More than anything...I'm incredibly impressed at Janelle's being able to keep this a secret! I like to think that I'm pretty observant & can figure stuff out...but I'm totally stumped on this one! She's sent me a total of probably 10-12 clues and I honestly have no idea!!! YAY SURPRISES!


Anonymous said...

i might be just as excited as you to find out what it is... and i'm not even going :)

YAY for fun days!

Janelle Prenkert said...

Ha Ha...I'm not telling.