Friday, May 08, 2009

An Unexpected Visit

It was about a year and a half ago that I met two of the most amazing, selfless, loving people, Frank & Carole. Our first encounter was on Friday, October 19, 2007. Some of you may remember better that Thursday (October 18, 2007). That was the day Nappanee was hit by a tornado, a day that many are still today recovering from.

Frank & Carole were from Florida and happened to be in Nappanee to have some work done on their RV at Newmar. Having heard about & seen the damage of the tornado, they committed to doing whatever they could to help out. They came in every single day for 8-10 hours to help us run the food pantry, encourage others, and just be a smiling face for people to see when they walked in the door. Early morning to late evening they were here. I think it's safe to say that all of us that had the opportunity to meet Frank & Carole were blessed by them and challenged by their servant's heart.

Well, today...nearly a year and a half later...a truck pulled into the parking lot with a motorcycle in the back. A site that looked vaguely familiar to me. Next thing I know, Frank is hoping out of the truck and walking toward the door with a HUGE smile on his face! I was so excited I think I squealed out loud!!! He & Carole were back in the area getting some more work done on their RV and so they wanted to take the opportunity to stop in!

Even though it was only about 10 minutes, it was so good to see them both & hear their stories of what they've been up to! I am truly blessed to know them!

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