Monday, March 09, 2009


"You could be a reflection of Christ"

Last night kicked off Fanning the Flame week here at NMC. In Student Ministries, we kicked off what are known as the On Fire Rallies. During this time, we take four nights to press the pause button on what we've been doing & take time to really dive into God's Word and re-ignite that fire that the months of January and February tend to suck right out of us.

Speaking in the Senior High is Jason Miller. Jason's name is one that is pretty familiar around NMC, having partnered with us on several events including leading worship for our Senior High Summer Camp for four years. Last night, he laid the foundation of where we'll be heading. The statement made over and over again..."You could be a reflection of Christ."

After taking time to dive into Genesis 1:26-28, students were reminded that we were made in the image of God, created to be a reflection of Him. These next three nights will be an opportunity to consider what it is that we've been reflecting, as well as a chance to "clean off the mirror" and reconnect with the Savior we're meant to reflect.

Good stuff. Excited for what's to come!

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