Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Too Literal A Translation

This morning I was reading in Psalm 27, and as I was finishing out the last verse, I was struck by the words that David had written. But first, let me back track & take you through some personal wrestling points in my own life.

Over the past year and a half, I've continued to feel a bit unsettled deep down about my future. Where is God calling me? What's my next step? The trouble is, I think I've spent more time looking for what's in store for my future than I have focusing on what's in front of me here and now. So, for a year and a half, I've been having this wrestling match with God (I always lose...but it's a good thing). I've been focusing on my future and He's been challenging to live for today. It almost sounds catchphrase-ish. After all, what does it mean to live for today?

Well...for starters, how is the way I'm living my life impacting those around me? (People at work, my family, students I work with, friends, & perfect strangers). Am I loving people unconditionally? I'm I taking advantage of the opportunity I have to let my life be a living testimony to them of God's love & grace? Am I taking advantage of the opportunity to share what God has done in my life & what He longs to do in their's? Am I serving and encouraging them? I think that pretty well sums up "living for today."

God has placed me where I'm at right now for a reason...and that reason isn't just to wait around for the next best thing or next big thing. How am I using this time here and now to make an impact?

So...back to the verse that caught my attention (the inspiration for this post).

"Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD." ~Psalm 27:14

Understand that this is a "spiritual rant" separate from what this verse & this psalm is saying. But as I read it, the first four words jumped off the page at me..."Wait for the LORD." All too often I take this philosophy for my life of simply waiting on God. And in the midst of all my WAITING I miss out on what's here in front of me.

So, what am I waiting for? What if I started living out what I say I believe?

I believe ONE life can impact a school.
I believe ONE life can impact a workplace.
I believe ONE life can impact a family.
I believe ONE life can impact a sports team.
I believe ONE life can impact a city.
I believe ONE life can impact a state.
I believe ONE life can impact a country.
I believe ONE life can impact a nation.
I believe ONE life can impact this world.

Those are huge places for just ONE life to make an impact, and maybe it seems unrealistic to you. But I believe it can happen if we're willing to stop waiting and start living ONE life for the ONE God, ONE day at a time.

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