Tuesday, September 08, 2009

This Restless Heart

This summer has been one of significant wrestling for me personally. It's been refreshing, though really hard at times, but one thing is certain: God is still on the throne & He is on the move in my life!

So much has been happening that it's been hard to wrap my head around it all and even harder to try & process it with others. But this morning's time alone with Him is one that I decided I'd share.

"The proof of the reality of our faith is a changed life."
It's not just a one time thing & it's done - it's not pray a prayer/make a commitment and we're suddenly living differently. It's continued change (transformation). Every day is an opportunity for me to live more like Jesus!

Living faith makes a difference - it results in change.

I'm reading in the book of James. He is writing to the believers who are scattered among the nations - to those who are left to live differently on their own.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." (1:2-3)

If our faith was never tested then we'd have no way to know how firmly we believe the things we do. It's in the midst of a fire that the core of a structure is tested. When we come under fire, what's at our core? Do we have a firm enough faith that can persevere?

"Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." (1:4)

It's always interesting to me after a fire to see what's still standing. Was there anything in that building that withstood the flames or has everything been reduced to rubble and ash? Without ever having to persevere, our faith is nothing. Unless it's ever actually tested - our faith is just a bunch of nice and important sounding words. Words that need backed by our lives.

When we say "this world has nothing for me" are those words just feel good words that seem right in the moment or when tested will our actions prove them to be true of our life? When we scream "I WANT IT!" at the top of our lungs across an empty lake, will those words be backed by a life in desperate pursuit of God? When we proclaim, "I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned" is is just for those few feel good moments that the music is playing and the adrenaline is pumping or will we daily take up a position of complete surrender to God?

And how will we know what our response will be?
Through the testing of our faith.
James doesn't talk about just persevering through the big things...it's in the small things to. Maybe in the things that we don't really see as a "fire."

When God takes away that which is most important to us: a parent, a spouse, a child, a friend - what is our response? Do we become bitter toward God and walk away? Or do we lean into God, lean into the hurt, and find a way to still trust Him and give Him praise?

When faced with the choice to stand up for the kid who is being put down and made fun of or simply fade into the background, walk away, say nothing...which will we choose?

When reaching the end of a long day filled with classes, practice, work, & homework yet completely void of spending time alone with God, which do we choose? The t.v. begging us to zone our and relax to our favorite show that is guaranteed to make us laugh and help us unwind? The internet or cell phone, because we didn't really have a chance to connect with those friends today? Our bed - because after all, today has been exhausting and tomorrow is looking to be the same, so it's important to get our rest? Or do we push through (persevere) and choose to spend time alone with our Savior because we know and believe that "He is everything" and "today, today, it's all or nothing"? Or were we just singing that on Sunday because it sounded good at the time with the band and the lights?

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