Friday, July 24, 2009

Arizona Bound

In less than 30 hours, I'll be on a plane heading out to Phoenix, AZ! I'm excited about this for multiple reasons...I'm ready for some much needed time away, ready to help my sister move out there & get set for her new job, ready to spend some quality time with the family, ready to see the Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountains, & various other things that I've never seen! I've always wanted to go out I'm pumped for the opportunity to finally get there!!!

Things I plan on doing...
  • Relaxing
  • Reading a book or two
  • Enjoy some extended time away with God
  • Enjoy some extended time away with family
  • Visit Sedona
  • See the Grand Canyon & Rocky Mountains
  • Relaxing
  • Scream really loud if I see a scorpion!
  • Move Tricia into her new place
  • Play games with family
  • Laugh a lot
  • Relaxing
  • Catching up on some sleep
  • Eating at some amazing restaurants
  • Turning off the cell phone
  • Driving a lot (on trip home)
  • Relaxing I come!


Kate Berkey said...

WOOhoo!!!! (that was deaf by the way) have a ton of fun!!!!

Anonymous said...

Arizona, in the summer? Are you crazy?! :) That's one place that's hotter than NC! :) Hope you have fun!!!
