Monday, November 21, 2016

An Ode to a Spiritual Giant

This beautiful lady is my grandmother, Ruth Ann Allison, and she was a spiritual giant!

Sitting here now, living in Mae Sot, Thailand, I can't help but think how proud she'd be of this journey the Lord has taken me on.  It was a year ago yesterday that she went to be home with Jesus - which makes my heart leap with joy and equally ache with sadness.  I miss her more than there are words for.  What I wouldn't give for one more chat at the kitchen table, one more game of Count Down or Skip-Bo, one more reminiscent story from her youth, one more "Love ya babe" as I hug her goodbye.  What I wouldn't give for one more moment of hearing her hum one of her favorite hymns or one more conversation about the Cubs (man, she'd be so proud of her team)!  Beautiful moments beautifully spent - treasured memories now.

Today has been a day of reflecting on these moments, remembering her legacy, and truly thanking God for the impact of it.  I wouldn't be who I am without her.  I wouldn't be where I am without her.

Two things my grandmother did well was love others and love Jesus.  It's who she was - it was in her DNA.  She never separated the two, never skipped over one to get to the other.  She did them both gracefully - lovingly serving her Savior and lovingly serving His people.  Her life has taught me, more than anyone, what it means to truly live with joy, give grace, embrace laughter, see the beauty all around me, and experience Jesus in the everyday moments, because He's there.  Her example was one of modest humility, joyful celebration, fierce love for family, constant reliance on the Father, and a deep love for His Word.

She was a woman who valued written words and who used her words generously to lift up, encourage and bless others.  A small stack of cards I received from her over the years are among my greatest treasures.

Over a year ago now, I was helping pack up her house, putting her earthly possessions away in boxes to be sorted through later.  Pulling books off her shelves, I found myself flipping through the pages of several different titles.  Her bookshelves were overflowing with stories of missionaries out on the foreign field, adventuring across the globe for Jesus.  Years ago, I never imagined I would be one who would venture out and do the same.  Even though I knew my grandmother selfishly preferred me closer to home, she also lovingly pushed me into the arms of Jesus - teaching me that following after Him was the greatest pursuit I could take on... even if the journey would lead me far from home.  On her bookshelf was a book whose title stood out to me because of what it represented - her.  The title "The Journey Home: Finishing with Joy".  Opening up the book cover, I found this highlight inside that represented to me every bit of who my grandmother was...

"To my family, I pray that you will continue to love God with all your hearts, souls, minds, and strength; to obey His commandments; to trust His promises; to always seek first His kingdom; and to take the initiative to see that every member of the family, generation after generation, is encouraged to receive and follow our gracious Savior."

I'm so grateful for my family.  I'm so grateful for the legacy of my grandmother, who lifted Jesus high with her life and with her words.  I'm thankful for her example and for her investment.  I'm thankful for a million wonderful reasons to miss her.  I pray I can leave even a tenth of the legacy she left behind - fiercely loving God and loving others, serving faithfully, and giving fully of myself to see Jesus lifted high in my life.

As Paul wrote in his letter to the Church of Colasse, and as I daily watched my grandmother live out, "See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord" (Colossians 4:17).

Thank you, Jesus, for the life and the legacy of a spiritual giant who blessed my life by blessing Your Name.  Teach me to live like this.

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