Saturday, August 13, 2016


Motorbikes zooming through the streets, dogs barking (or more like howling) in the early morning hours, rain falling continually... these are sounds of my new home.  It's been one week since I arrived here in MaeSot and my heart is overflowing with thankfulness for this place and these people!

I have been blessed by new friends quickly beginning to feel like family.
I have been challenged by a new language so different from my own.
I have been inspired to dream alongside some incredible world changers.
I have been awed by a peace so deep in my spirit - an undeniable gift from the Father.
I have been overjoyed by the smiles and laughter that have been filling my ears!
I have been deeply thankful for another place in this incredible world to call home.

My clothes on the line might never get dry in this rainy season.  My language retention skills may be slower than I'd like them to be.  My "inability" to say names correctly might always make those I'm meeting giggle.  My directional skills may be severely tested as I do my best to navigate roads by bicycle.  But it's all beautiful - the sights, the smells, the sounds, the people, the language, the overwhelming moments, the homesick moments, the "praise Jesus" moments... all of it, beautiful!

I am thankful for this life and thankful to be here...

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