Friday, June 03, 2011

33 Words to Describe Janelle

Today is an AMAZING day!  What makes it so amazing you ask?  This girl...
Today is Janelle's birthday and I couldn't be more thankful she was born!  In light of her 33rd birthday (sorry Janelle, I'm telling your age), I've decided to give you 33 words to describe Janelle.

1. Adventurous - There's not many things she won't do or try!  (With the exception of talking with strangers...that was always my job!)
2. Amazing - I mean, c'mon...she just is!
3. Beautiful - I was gonna go with hott (with 2 t's) but maybe that's awkward for some of you coming from me.  But let's be real...she is B-E-A-Utiful!
4. Compassionate - She cares for people unlike anyone I've ever seen.  Her heart breaks for others and she has a way of feeling exactly what you feel.
5. Creative - I've learned a lot from her on this one!  And as an added word, she's so imaginative!!!
6. Diligent - Everything she does, she does with excellence.  She truly lives out Colossians 3:17, 23.
7. Discerning - She always seems to "just know" even without me having to tell her.  It's a God-given gift for sure!
8. Encourager - She can encourage me unlike anyone else.
9. Energetic - If you've ever been around her for 2 seconds, you've likely noticed this!
10. Example - She's the kind of example that is worth following after.
11. Faithful - On multiple levels, she is a faithful friend who has always been there.  She is so faithful to God.  No matter the circumstance, no matter how hard, I have never seen her lose faith.
12. Free - So proud of her on this one & the steps she has taken toward freedom in Christ.  She strives to live out Galatians 5:1.
13. Fun - It's impossible for us not to have fun together!
14. Hilarious - She keeps me laughing!  She can make me laugh til I cry or pee!'s true!
15. Honest - She's never afraid to just be honest with me & tell me what's up.  I value & appreciate that so much.  She's not content to leave me where I am.  I've never had someone in my life that I can share so openly with...and it's because I know I can trust her to be honest with me.
16. Inspiring - It's the effect she has on people.  She inspires my life in a way that few others do.
17. Integrity - She is a woman of God through and through.  A woman of incredible character & integrity.
18. Investor - What has been invested in her has been and is continually poured out in others over and over again.  I'm living proof of that!
19. Loving - She loves me like family.  She loves others with the love of Christ & it is so evident.
20. Loyal - She's been there through thick and thin.  There is no one who has stood by my side quite like she has.
21. Lysdexic (Dyslexic for those of you who don't have it!) - Hahaha!  This one just makes me laugh!  She keeps my life exciting thanks to this!  Nuf! Nuf! Nuf!
22. Mamasita - The word "mom" just isn't as fun in a list like this.  She's a phenomenal one though!  One of my favorite things is to watch her be a mom to Katylynn!
23. Multiplier - This goes hand in hand with investor.  She multiplies herself in others & understands the importance of 2 Timothy 2:2.
24. Noble - As Proverbs 31 says, she is a woman of noble character, and example worth following.
25. Partner in Crime - I know it's more than one word, but I have to include it!  We share some of the most randomly hilarious experiences!  I can always count on her to instigate.  I blame her for corrupting me!
26. Passionate - She knows how to put her whole heart into something.
27. Servant - I've watched her serve over and over and over again with no credit for it at all...and it doesn't even matter to her.  She lives out Jesus, Others, Yourself.
28. Solid - I wanted to say ROCK SOLID.  She knows who she is in Christ and has built her life upon His truth.
29. Spunky - What a great word to describe her!  If you've ever met her, this one should've been pretty evident!
30. Strong - I've seen her overcome a lot in her life in the time I've known her, which feels like forever!  Through every circumstance she has come out a stronger, better person.
31. Trustworthy - I can tell her anything, no matter what it is.  I would trust her with my very life.
32. Warrior - I love the picture this paints.  She truly is a warrior for Christ & for His heart!
33. What?! - This is possibly the best ending to a list like this!  It doesn't need much more explanation than this!

Janelle, I love you so much and am proud to call you not just a friend but a sister.  You are family to me and I am so thankful for you!  Happy Birthday!!!


Janelle said...

Thanks Hotness. I love you. I appreciate you.

Cindi Lantz said...

I must have missed this post on janelle's big day. But I just want to say "Amen!" 33 times. You hit all the nails on the head and described her perfectly. Although, besides Derry, no one could know her like you do. You two have cultivated an amazing sisterhood and God is the one who gave you to each other. I know you still encourage each other across so many miles and an ocean. Isn't God's gift so good?
Love you both,