Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A choice to make...

I'm inside a cottage with windows all around.  It's daylight out yet no light shines in.  As I run through the cottage frantic and searching, all that scares me can be found.  I'm overwhelmed with fear.  It doesn't make sense.  How did I get here?

Suddenly, the front door opens.  The light is subtle at first, as the door opens barely even a crack.  I sit down preparing for what's to come.  The room is suddenly filled with light.

Across from me sits everything I believe in and trust, with tears streaming down his face.  I'm once again overwhelmed but this time not with fear but understanding.  I begin to see what I didn't see before.  The picture around me becomes more and more clear.  All that once held me back and clouded my vision begins to fade.

We've been sitting for what only feels like moments, yet as I look out the windows everything is dark.  But new light has filled the cottage.  I begin to breath a sigh of relief, but the exhale is slow.  There's still a fear, an apprehension to completely let go.  In front of me his hands are opened wide, waiting.  Yet the look on his face is gentle, understanding yet in the same moment pleading.  There's a look in his eyes begging me to trust & rely.

Next to him sits all that I ever thought I wanted.  I never realized she had entered the room until this moment.  Fear begins to overwhelm me again, yet as I look in his eyes, fear drops to the floor like a brick.  With fear gone, there is hesitancy.  I look again into his eyes yet the hesitancy remains.  The choice is mine, it's not been made.  Trust in all that I believe or go with all I ever thought I wanted.

I open my eyes and realize the choice is still mine, it's not been made.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Man, you are so good at writing. I was right there with you. The choice is yours and you WILL make the right one. I believe in you!