Sunday, January 17, 2010

Praying For...

Today, in fact, very soon, Pastor Dave & Christy Engbrecht, Kory & Alison Lantz, & several others we'll be heading overseas to India! They'll be leading two family camps, one in Ragunathpur & the second in northeast India near Bhutan. This is going to be Kory & Ali's first time to India, & I'm so excited for all that God has in store for them!

Straight from Kory & Ali's blog are ways you can pray:
1) Pray for strength and energy as the camps can be very demanding. International travel can really take it out of you.
2) Pray against sickness as this can hamper any kind of ministry you try to do.
3) Technical parts of camp... specifically sound systems as power is often sporadic.
4) Translators... This is a key in any country where the language is different. Pray that the Holy Spirit will speak no matter how "good/bad" the translator is. There are at least 5 primary language groups in these camps.
5) Anointing of Holy Spirit in all services.
6) Safety for 1400 people that will be traveling 2-3 days to each camp.
7) Safety for our travel as in-country travel has a higher risk in India.
8) Humility as we share our messages. We will be sharing about issues such as persecution and many of the kids have already faced more persecution at a greater level than I ever will.

To stay up-to-date on their trip, check out Kory's blog.

I often ask myself, "God, how can you possibly use me to make an impact?" I'm convinced that one of the number one ways is through prayer! God can use me by simply making myself available to pray for others.

You don't have to travel the world to make an impact on it! Will you join me in praying for this team?

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