Friday, November 13, 2009

Gain. Give. Live.

This month is a big one around here at NMC. Lots going on, lots to be made aware of.

What started this summer as a simple question, "What if Student Ministries took an entire year to focus on Kids In Need?" has now turned into a pursuit of Gain, Give, Live.
GAIN Awareness.
GIVE Sacrificially.
LIVE Differently.

What a cool picture that paints. But if that's all we see in this, is a cool picture and no life change, then we've royally missed the point.

What's cool to see is that students are getting it. This weekend is evidence of that!

1. 5K.I.N. Run/1 Mile Walk - Dreamed up by a student passionate about being used by God in whatever way He could use her. Katherine Berkey is an example of a student who has gained awareness. She is now providing a way for others to gain awareness through this 5K run/1 mile walk. She & her team of students have given sacrificially of their time and talents to see this thing happen. All proceeds are going toward two organizations: RETA & an orphanage in Romania, which Katherine has visited and done ministry at.

If you haven't signed up to participate, you still can! You can register online here or show up at Nappanee Missionary Church tomorrow morning between 7-9 a.m. and register. The race starts at 9 a.m. don't miss it!

2. Silent Auction - In an effort to raise awareness and give sacrificially, students are taking the lead on giving of their time, talents, & treasures. Many have donated artwork, services, authographed memorabilia, handmade items, etc. to the cause. All proceeds of the auction will go to the AGC Kenya Baby Center. Auction starts tomorrow during the 5K.I.N. and will run through next Sunday, Nov. 22nd. To find out more, go here. Online bidding begins Sunday!

3. Baby Walk - As a part of raising awareness for Kids In Need, the one and only super cool Janelle Prenkert & a team of students have taken the lead on putting together one amazing experience happening this Sunday night! From 5:30-7:30 p.m., people will have the opportunity to come and walk through the life of some Kids In Need connected to the AGC Kenya Baby Center. This will definitely be an eye-opening night and is a great family-friendly, interactive walk.

If you didn't catch it, all three of these "events" are about raising awareness in the hopes that we will then begin to LIVE DIFFERENTLY because of what we've seen, heard, and experienced.

What will your role be?

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