Thursday, October 01, 2009

Two Weeks Notice

Now before you think I'm quitting my job...let me stop you right there...I'm not!
Ok, good. Now that we got that out of the way, you can calm down!

As of tomorrow, I'm officially two weeks away from heading overseas! And I couldn't be more excited about this opportunity! I'm headed to Kenya (a place that has a huge place in my heart). My first trip there was in 2002 through a group called Adventures In Missions (AIM). I had just finished my freshman year of college and saw God open the door for me to go in an incredible way. I spent one month there mainly in the village of Eldoret and our final week was spent in Kibera (the slums) in Nairobi, Kenya's capital.

So, here I am again, ready to head off to Kenya. This will be my first time going back to a country I've already been to, and though I'll be in a completely different part of it...I just can't wait!

These past seven years, since my first trip to Kenya, have provided me with many opportunities to gain perspective and through it grow. I've been wanting to return to Kenya since that first trip back in 2002, but the timing was never quite efforts all fell short. And looking back now, I can only imagine that God was taking that time to prepare me for this trip now. I'm convinced that God has called me to this team for this time.

What will we be doing?
  • We'll be spending time at the AGC Baby Center helping out the staff & loving on the babies.
  • We'll be visiting Tenwek Hospital and learning about the ministry happening there.
  • We'll be working with the local church.
What am I expecting?
  • To be stretched
  • To gain perspective
  • To have my worldview shaken, expanded, changed
  • To be used by God
  • To love teammates, the babies, all those we come into contact with
What I'm praying for:
  • Rest- It seems like a funny thing to pray for heading into a mission trip, especially since they are typically very exhausting. But I'm praying for rest for my soul. I'm praying that this is an opportunity for my spirit to be refreshed.
  • Renewal- I'm praying for a renewed sense of why I'm doing what I'm doing. Life gets busy and filled with stuff. And while it may be good stuff, it sometimes takes the place of the God stuff. I'm praying that this time away from "life as usual" will create an opportunity for me to reconnect with my Savior on a deeper level. And while my spiritual growth doesn't hinge on going on this trip, I'm looking forward to the chance to step outside of my everyday life to gain some new perspective.
  • Connection- This one is four-fold. I'm praying for connections with my teammates, that we will grow together, challenge each other, encourage each other. I'm praying for connections with the locals, that I will learn from them and gain perspective into their lives. I'm praying for connection with my Savior, that I will see God in a new way and be changed because of it. I'm praying that what I see, experience, do will really connect with me - I would hate to come home and go back to "life as usual" unchanged.
I'm looking forward to this trip. I'm anticipating greater things are yet to come. I'm praying that I will daily surrender myself to be used by God.

Will you join me in that prayer?


Eli said...

I wish we'd all pray daily to surrender ourselves to God. What a changed life, community, and world that would bring.

Anonymous said...

Kristy -
I'm so excited for you and this opportunity that you have been given to go back! I am praying for you now as you prepare to leave and will be praying for you as you are there! I love you friend! 2 WEEKS!!! :D

Kate Berkey said...

i'm gonna be praying for you like a mad cow (which is good...i think). though, i still wish (SO MUCH) that i could somehow fit in your suitecase.

Ashley L. said... encourage me so much. I'm insanely excited that we get to go on this trip and be part of this team. It still blows my mind that God put us on this team together. It wasn't a mistake that you were randomly my leader my sophomore year when this all started for me. You were the first one i told about this and will be standing beside me when it's actually happening. I can't wait!! 15 hr plane ride woohoo. lol. counting down the days :)