Wednesday, July 08, 2009

You Know You're Tired When...

1. You try to unlock your apartment door using your automatic car lock.

2. You put your bottle of Vitamin C in the fridge and don't notice it for 2 days.

3. You pause mid sentence and stare dumbfounded at the person you're talking to.

4. You drive from work to your home yet have no recollection of the journey. (Did I run a red light? Did I stop at that stop sign? How did I get here?)

5. You say things like "I'll have a muberry buffin" and it doesn't even phase you.

6. You ask for the $5 foot long at the Martin's sandwich deli.

7. You wake up at 6 a.m. on Saturday convinced you have to get ready for work.

8. You answer your alarm clock and can't figure out why it won't stop "ringing".

9. You smack your cell phone and get angry that the "snooze button" isn't working.

10. You're doubled over on the floor laughing ridiculously hard because you spilled water from your cup.

11. You go to give someone a high five and ACCIDENTALLY smack 'em in the forehead.

12. You count to 10 but leave out the number 6. (Do we really need that number?)

13. You miss the doorknob and smack straight into the door because your body kept moving forward.

14. You're talking on your cell phone and in the middle of the conversation start freaking out because you can't figure out where you put your phone.

15. Instead of greeting you by saying, "Hey, how are you?" people start with, "Man, you look exhausted."


Anonymous said...

bahaha... i'm so proud! :)

Kate Berkey said...

did we keep u up too late last night???????????????? haha. i don't even know. at least u were able to write the post

Kelsey said...

does this have to do with the impending departure of senior high summer campers? :) you're awesome!!

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better, I put Resolve Carpet Cleaner in the fridge yesterday, wedding planning makes you crazy. :)


Kalyn Lantz said...

tell me these things did not all happen to you! Also, tell me why I was not there to witness them! I love you! Quit working so much, and if you have to work, call me and I'll be your assistant!

Megan Rendall said...

#6. :)

Kaleigh said...

ohhhh wow.....i just laughed so hard when i read that