Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Derry & Janelle head to India today. I picked them up at 11:40 AM to find them finishing last little details & trying to calm their anxious minds. God's got some incredible ministry in store for them & Caleb. But they need people to come behind them in prayer.

Pray for the hearts of those at the Youth-A-Rama Event.
Pray for clear translation- that God's words would penetrate the hearts of those who listen.
Pray for renewed strength for Derry, Janelle & Caleb.
Pray for a spiritual breakthough- that the Holy Spirit would pierce through the darkness of those whose hearts have been hardened to the Gospel.
Pray for clarity of thought for Derry, Janelle, & Caleb (especially as they try to adjust to a new time zone).
Pray for safety.
And most of all, pray that the Kingdom of God would be advanced & continue to grow even after they've come home!

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